New Era Ferr. Phos. (Ferrum Phosphate) is a biochemic remedy to reinforce healthy blood oxygeneration for congestion and inflamation in the 1st stages of respiratory illness, anemia and muscular sprains and strains.
Ferr. Phos supports the air inhaled by the lungs and carries it in the blood stream to all parts of the body to support and strengthen the cellular walls of the blood vessels, especially the arteries.
Biotin (vitamin H) is a member of the B-complex group of vitamins. Is is essential for healthy hair, skin and nails and supports the nervous system and is essential for cell growth.
Mineral Tissue Salts are suitable for all during pregnancy and breastfeeding, safe for children, elderly, diabetics, lactose intolerant, those on multiple medications and pets.
- Suitable for everyone
- Easily absorbed micro minerals
- New Era Tissue Salt for every ailment
- Direct absorption from blood vessels in the mouth to the cells
- Trusted original methods of homeopathic preparation